how do we survive? shall we join forces?
This Place Project works to encourage a deeper, richer, fuller engagement with land, body and community, exploring new ways of being human that can help us to heal and cultivate a more beautiful world.
The This Place book of illustrated poems is a vibrant, wild, playful collection touching on themes including land, being, body, community, and nature.

Recently, we held a month of events in Hull around the themes of Place. Our main questions were:
How are we already connected?
In what ways have we become disconnected?
And what can we do about it?
The month was a series of workshops, walks, camping trips and talking circles - lots of practical eco-stuff, creative stuff, fun stuff, and some deep stuff with potential to get emotional... Find out more about all the events so far on our archive page
Our first month of activity was an amazing whirlwind of good stuff, and we are keen to keep going - with community events aimed at connecting with nature, with eachother and ourselves. Find out about upcoming stuff on our events page!
- All the events are free. If you would like to offer your help in anyway get in touch!
- We want to make things as child friendly as possible, so that parents can participate. Many activities are child friendly, and at some others we will have a kids-corner with activities for them.
- Food will be provided at some events. But contributions will always be welcome!
- If you can't get to an event, we might be able to help, so do get in touch.
- We cannot provide trained counselors, but will have enough experience within our talking circles to hold a supportive space.
- Some of the walks and bike rides will be over rough terrain, so please get in touch with any questions and consider meeting us at the destination.
Find out more about all the events on our events page!